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Welcome to the House of the Majestic Podcast!

Join me as I share some of my journey of navigating Hollywood and how to remain In Christ and His Ways, regardless of the context and no matter the cost.

Yahveh is inviting us all to come up higher, so we can see what our Father is doing and grow in sonship, intimacy, overcoming, and taking responsibility as kings and priests.

It is time! 
Our Father is longing for us to learn how to mature and govern out of His Heart, Ways, Government and Kingdom Realms through every aspect of our lives and into all of creation.

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House of the Majestic Podcast - Ep 1: Hollywood & God's Ways (Part 1) | Brittany Nordtvedt

House of the Majestic Podcast - Ep 1: Hollywood & God's Ways (Part 1) | Brittany Nordtvedt

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House of the Majestic Podcast - Ep 2: Hollywood & God's Ways (Part 2) | Brittany Nordtvedt

House of the Majestic Podcast - Ep 2: Hollywood & God's Ways (Part 2) | Brittany Nordtvedt

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House of the Majestic Podcast - Ep 3: Identity (Part 1) | Brittany Nordtvedt

House of the Majestic Podcast - Ep 3: Identity (Part 1) | Brittany Nordtvedt

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“Wisdom is so priceless that it exceeds the value of any jewel.

Nothing you could wish for can equal her.

‘For I am Wisdom, and I am shrewd and intelligent.

I have at my disposal living-understanding to devise a plan for your life. 

Wisdom pours into you when you begin to hate every form of evil in your life,

for that’s what worship and fearing God is all about…

You will find true success when you find me, for I have insight into wise plans that are designed just for you.

I hold in my hands living-understanding, courage, and strength.

I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just. I empower princes to rise and take dominion, and generous ones to govern the earth.

I will show my love to those who passionately love me. For they will search and search continually until they find me…

I lead you into the ways of righteousness to discover the paths of true justice. Those who love me gain great wealth and a glorious inheritance,

and I will fill their lives with treasures.’”

Prov 8:11-17, 20-21

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