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Repositioning to Overcome

“I have overcome the world.”

We are in a window of repositioning. Many elements of our lives are moving and stirring up all at once, some we have been waiting a long time for and others have seemed quite sudden and even surprising. Much of what is shifting is in our foundations, down to the deepest parts of our core. At times this can feel unsettling, and we may momentarily seem unsure of the ground we stand on, but amidst all the shaking, let’s not let our faith be shaken too. We are anchored and surefooted on the Rock - Yeshuva (Jesus); and His foundation, love and truth never moves or changes.

No matter how unruly or even violent this shaking appears, let’s not let ourselves come into agreement with discouragement, fear, doubt or unbelief. If we do, we give them authority over us and will miss out on the purpose and opportunity of this window.

“Everything that can be shaken will be shaken.”

“‘I will not only shake the earth but the heavens too.’ By this He means that He will sift out everything without solid foundations so that only unshakable things will be left.”

Hebrews 12:27 NLT

This is key in exposing and removing everything that is not of Yahveh (Almighty God), starting deep within our own hearts, minds, souls, bodies, families, then expanding into our businesses, systems, nations and world.

This is all necessary for our overcoming.

Yeshuva said, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]

John 16:33 AMP

If Christ is our blueprint, then in Him we are also called and have everything we need to overcome the world as well. After Yeshuva (Jesus) had gone back up into heaven and Holy Spirit had come down to indwell in His people, John reminded us saying, “For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world - our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].”

1 John 5:4 AMP

This is incredible!! This is what we are created for and empowered to do!

I believe a big reason this time in history has been so difficult for many believers is that as the body of Christ, we have not done a great job in framing up who we truly are in Yeshuva (Jesus). We have largely focused on rallying people to Sunday services, counting attendance, money and so-called “salvation” hand-raises, pumping the room full of hype, false encouragement and safe motivation, singing songs that pat our souls on the back while perpetuating the fear, doubt and unbelief we are still bound to in our daily lives. Please tell me, how is this helping us overcome our own personal junk, let alone overcoming the dangerous, sin-infested mindsets, wisdom and ways of the world? (1 Corinthians 3:18-20)

I am not pointing fingers, I am taking responsibility for this as a part of the body of Christ. We cannot change what we ourselves do not take responsibility for. And this responsibility was never designed to be solely in the hands of a few at the top of a man-made church system, inside man-made walls, with man-made values, strategies and measurements, with man-made and man-controlled positions. This man-made church system was created by the world, is controlled by the world and is very much a part of the world. How can we overcome the world if we are subject to it?

So regarding all of this shaking going on? Yes, it is absolutely necessary. But it is each of our own choices in how we respond to it. Will we choose to complain and stay right where we have been, remaining a victim to what we wish would be? Or will we choose to grow in love and humility, and honor the process Yahveh desires to do deep within us and through us? Because His greatest desire is for us to choose to love and know Him and His Ways, to become like Him, and IN HIM, overcome the world. And even then, it is just the beginning.

- Brittany Nordtvedt


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